Woo Plus Membership
Posted : admin On 5/30/2022- Woo Plus Membership Cost
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WOW Presents Plus is the official streamer of all things drag featuring Werq The World, UNHhhh with Trixie and Katya, and hundreds of other World of Wonder. Moving from the WooThemes plugin to Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus” plugin can be done very easily and smoothly, just follow these steps: Step #1: Install the “Wishlist Member WooCommerce Plus” plugin on your website. Step #2: Copy the SKU Prefix from the WooThemes plugin by going to WooCommerce menu Settings Wishlist Member tab. In addition to membership pricing, site-wide discounts can also be applied depending on membership level. PMPro WooCommerce adds a new option to the Edit/Add Membership Level page where you can specify a Membership Discount. Currently, membership discounts can only be applied as a percentage off of the product’s price. WooCommerce Subscriptions provides two different, but related items: subscription products; and subscriptions. This guide provides an explanation of the differences between a subscription product and a subscription. It also provides examples to illustrate those differences. If you haven’t already, you should read the Subscriptions guide for Store Managers before continuing to get a more.
WooCommerce Subscriptions provides two different, but related items:
- subscription products; and
- subscriptions.
This guide provides an explanation of the differences between a subscription product and a subscription. It also provides examples to illustrate those differences.
If you haven’t already, you should read the Subscriptions guide for Store Managers before continuing to get a more general introduction to the Subscriptions extension. The information here will also be easier to understand if you have read the subscription renewal process document and are familiar with WooCommerce orders.
Subscription Products ↑ Back to top
Subscription products are an extension of WooCommerce products. They are created by store managers via the Edit Product screen. They are displayed to customers in your store via the front-end of your website.
A subscription product has all the same data as standard WooCommerce products, including:
- price
- sale price
- tax class and status
- virtual and downloadable flags
- attributes (optional)
- inventory (optional)
- shipping weight, dimensions and class
Like any other WooCommerce product, subscription products can be added to the cart and purchased by customers via checkout. The purchase of a subscription product is recorded in an order and the terms for future payments are added to a new subscription.
Subscriptions ↑ Back to top
Whereas a subscription product is something offered to customers to purchase, a subscription is an agreement between your store and a customer for future transactions.
Like an order, a subscription can contain one or more products as line items. This is how subscription products are associated with a subscription. However, a single subscription can contain multiple subscription product line items, non-subscription product line items or even no product line items at all.
Subscriptions are created when:
- a customer completes the checkout process and the cart contains subscription products; or
- a store manager manually creates one via the Add Subscription administration screen.
Subscriptions are an extension of WooCommerce Orders. They have all the same data as an order, including:
- status
- customer
- payment method
- billing/shipping address
- downloadable product permissions
- product, fee and shipping line items
- notes
- totals
As well as subscription specific meta data like:
- billing interval and period
- next payment date
- trial end date
- end date
- related orders, including the original order used to purchase the subscription, renewal orders and switch orders
The main difference between a subscription and an order is that an order is a record of a transaction in the past, whereas a subscription is an agreement for transactions in the future. Because of this, a subscription also has a billing schedule to determine when future transactions will be processed.
Billing Schedule ↑ Back to top
Both subscription products and subscriptions have a billing schedule.
A subscription product’s schedule is made up of:
- Billing interval and period: defines the schedule on which renewal payments should recur for this product. For example, every 2nd week or per month
- Billing length: defines the number of payments that will be processed before the subscription ends. For example, a subscription with the billing interval and period of every 2 weeks and a length of 26 will last for 1 year.
- Trial period and interval: defines how much time should be provided as a free trial at the outset of the subscription. This length is added to any billing length. For example, a subscription with the billing interval and period of every week, a length of 52 and a free trial of 2 months will last for 1 year and 2 months.
- Synchronisation date (optional): a day of the week, month or year on which the first and future renewal payments should be processed. This date is only set when renewal synchronisation is setup.
A subscription’s billing schedule is made up of:
- Billing interval and period: defines the schedule on which renewal payments should recur for the subscription. For example, every 2nd week.
- Trial end date: a date in the past or future on which the subscription trial period will end or has ended. For subscription products purchased via the store, this is calculated based on the product’s trial period and interval.
- Next payment date: the date on which the next renewal payment will be processed, calculated using the subscriptions billing interval and period added to the last payment date.
- End date: a date in the future on which the subscription will expire or be cancelled, or a date in the past on which the subscription expired or was cancelled. For subscription products purchased via the store, this is initially calculated based on the product’s length.
A subscription product’s schedule is used to display the product’s billing terms to the customer on the product, cart and checkout pages in your store. It is also used to determine how subscription products should be grouped in the cart. However, a subscription’s billing schedule is what is used to determine the actual renewal schedule of a subscription. This schedule will override the billing schedule set on any products added to that subscription as line items.
Examples ↑ Back to top
To demonstrate the difference between a subscription product and subscription, consider the following examples.
Purchasing a Monthly Coffee Subscription Product ↑ Back to top
A typical flow of a customer subscribing to a product in your store is:
- Customer visits your online store which sells coffee
- Customer views a coffee bean subscription product offered by your store that ships a bag of beans every month
- Customer adds the coffee bean subscription product to their cart
- Customer proceeds to checkout
- Customer completes checkout to purchase the coffee bean subscription product
- WooCommerce creates an order to record the transaction. The coffee bean subscription product will be included as a line item on that order.
- WooCommerce Subscriptions creates a subscription to record the agreement for future transactions. The coffee bean subscription product will also be included as a line item on that subscription.
- One month later, the subscription will renew according to its billing schedule
- WooCommerce Subscriptions creates a renewal order to record the renewal payment transaction. The coffee bean subscription product will be listed as a line item on that renewal order.
Manually Create a Subscription for a Monthly Service Fee ↑ Back to top
Imagine a store that wants to manage payments for a regular service of $100 / month. The store does not publicly sell this service, so it does not need to create a subscription product to offer it to the public in the store.
Instead, it is possible to manually create a subscription that is not associated with any products and charges a $100 fee each month.
To do this, the store manager can:
- Go to WooCommerce > Subscriptions > Add Subscription screen
- Add a subscriber/customer to the subscription
- Set the billing schedule to renewal each month
- Add a fee to the subscription for $100 (but do not add product line items)
- Calculate recurring totals
- Set subscription status to active
- Save the subscription
This will create a subscription that renews each month and creates a renewal order for $100 as a fee line item. It is not associated with any subscription products.
Note: This example is provided to illustrate the difference between products and subscriptions. Creating subscriptions with only fee line items is not recommended. Doing so leads to a number of issues, including:
- it won’t be possible to get sales statistics for that line item using the WooCommerce Reports, as the reports only work for products.
- the customer will not be able to manually pay for orders associated with the subscription, including renewal orders, because Subscriptions uses the WooCommerce cart to pay for these orders, and WooCommerce requires products to be added to the cart for checkout to be possible.
Adding a Monthly Subscription Product to an Annual Subscription ↑ Back to top
To illustrate how a subscription’s billing schedule can override the billing schedule set on individual products added to that subscription as line items, consider the following two items:
- a subscription for $100 / year;
- a subscription product for $25 / month.
If the $25 / month subscription product is manually added as a line item to the subscription, it will not change it’s billing schedule. The subscription will continue to renewal annually, unless the the billing schedule is also manually changed.
Changing Product Line Items Over a Subscription’s Lifecycle ↑ Back to top
Using additional plugins, like AutomateWoo or All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions, it’s also possible for a subscription’s product line items to change over its lifecycle.
For example, with AutomateWoo’s Add/Remove Product actions it’s possible to setup monthly magazine subscriptions and have a different product and SKU for each month’s magazine included on each month’s renewal order. This is done by creating a workflow which:
- Runs after a renewal payment; and
- Removes the previous month’s magazine as a product line item
- Adds the next month’s magazine as a product line item so that
While the products on the subscription change, no other subscription details, like its billing schedule or shipping address, will be changed.
Each month’s magazine also does not need to be a subscription product, it can be a simple product available for one-off purchases in your store.
Similarly, with All Products for WooCommerce Subscriptions, it’s possible to add a non-subscription product to an existing subscription. For example, a customer could add a different kind of coffee bean to their existing monthly subscription to another type of coffee bean.
Again, while the products on the subscription change, no other subscription details, like its billing schedule, will be changed when the new product is added.
Subscription Products vs Subscriptions Summary ↑ Back to top
A subscription product is something offered to the customer for purchase in your store. For most stores, store managers will only ever need to create subscription products. When customers purchase those products, subscriptions will be created automatically. These subscriptions keep a record of the agreement for future transactions of those products. They will also manage the renewal process to process payments and create orders to record those transactions.
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The External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle integrates MemberPress and WooCommerce and allows you to sell external MemberPress membership levels from your WooCommerce shop.
To use the add-on you also need to purchase MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin
So, if your WooCommerce shop is installed on Domain A and you want to sell membership levels that are installed on Domain B, you will need to use the bundle to do it, for example:
- Your WooCommerce shop is located in – http://store.yourdomain.com
- Your MemberPress membership site is located in – http://membership.yourdomain.com
- Your WooCommerce shop is located in – http://yourdomain.com/store
- Your MemberPress membership site is located in – http://yourdomain.com/membership
- Your WooCommerce shop is located in – http://domain-one.com
- Your MemberPress membership site is located in – http://domain-two.com
What Add-Ons the Bundle Includes?
The bundle includes 2 add-ons:
- The External Membership Sites Add-On – The add-on is installed on your WooCommerce store and it collects all the important information about your membership products, including: the membership product name, level ID, status and more, and it allows you to manage all external products from one table
- The Remote Access Add-On – the add-on is installed on your MemberPress membership site, it connects between the two websites, and make sure that members who purchase a membership product from your store will be registered to the membership site correctly (both new and existing members)
How Many Licenses Will I Need for Each Add-On?
For every WooCommerce shop you will need 1 license of:
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus Plugin
- External Membership Sites Add-On
For every External membership site you will need 1 license of:
- Remote Access Add-On
For example:
If you want to sell all your products from oneWooCommerce shop, and you want to integrate your shop’s products with 3 membership sites you will need:
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus Plugin & External Membership Sites Add-On >> 1 License for Each
- Remote Access Add-On >> 3 Licenses
If you want to sell all your products from 2 different WooCommerce stores, and you want to integrate all products from 2 stores to one membership site you will need:
- MemberPress WooCommerce Plus Plugin & External Membership Sites Add-On >> 2 Licenses for Each
- Remote Access Add-On >> 1 License
Can I Purchase More Licenses of the Remote Access Add-On Separately?
Yes, if you need to integrate multiple membership sites and you need more licenses (each membership site requires a license), you can purchase them separately. Link coming soon…
Woo Plus Membership Cost
Here are some of the most common questions about MemberPress WooCommerce Plus we received:
Can I use MemberPress WooCommerce Plus on Existing Woo Products?
Yes, you can easily connect a WooCommerce product to a MemberPress membership level. You will find the exact instructions on how to do it in our documentation when the plugin is released.
Woo Plus Membership Promo Code
Does MemberPress WooCommerce Plus support Subscription Payments?
The short answer is – Yes!
Here is the full explanation:
When integrating MemberPress & WooCommerce platforms via the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin WooCommerce is the platform responsible for the process payments, and you can choose any payment processor that integrates with WooCommerce.
All you need to do in order to be able to process subscription payments is use a subscription plugin for WooCommerce and that’s it!
You can use the WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin by WooCommerce themselves or any other valid plugin.
Wooplus Membership
Does MemberPress WooCommerce Plus support trial periods?
The short answer is again – Yes!
As written in the previous question regarding subscription payments, all payment subscriptions as well as trial periods are handled by WooCommerce Subscriptions add-on and because of that, if the subscription add-on you are using supports trial periods there is no problem at all!
What version of WooCommerce plugin I need in order the plugin?
You will need to use WooCommerce version 4.1.1 and up
Can I use only the bundle, without the plugin MemberPress WooCommerce Plus?
The short answer is – No
The External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle is an addition to the main plugin, you must also purchase the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin in order for the external integration to work.
If my WooCommerce shop and MemberPress membership site are installed on the exact same domain, will I need to purchase the “External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle”?
Woo Plus Membership Login
If both WooCommerce and MemberPress are installed on the exact WordPress installation, you will not need the “External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle”, only the main plugin – MemberPress WooCommerce Plus plugin
If my WooCommerce shop and MemberPress membership site are located on different domains / sub-domains or files, will I still need to purchase the “External Membership Sites Add-Ons Bundle”?
Woo Plus Membership Discount
Yes, because you have 2 different WordPress installations you will need to use the add-on.
Here are examples of different domains / WorePress Installations:
1. http://domain1.com & http://domain2.com (different domains)
2. http://domain1.com/woo & http://domain2.com/wlm (different directories)
3. http://woo.domain1.com & http://wlm.domain2.com (different sub-domains)
Woo Plus Membership Fee
These are the requirements for the MemberPress WooCommerce Plus:
- Latest Version: Will be released soon
- Product Type: WordPress Plugin
- Requirements: WordPress 5.4.1 and higher, MemberPress 1.8 and higher, WooCommerce 4.1.1 and higher
Unique Discount for Early Adapters Only!
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A special time-limited discount is reserved for early adapters only!
Important! Make sure to add our email contact [at] happyplugins.com to your contact list so you will not miss our email!